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 Failed education in Afghanistan  A belief, in my opinion, is a choice. Additionally, I think that no one is responsible unless a decision is made. As a result, when the topic of education came up in Afghanistan, the government decided to place the blame for their beliefs on women's lack of education. While this decision may have some merit, it is truly not the duty of the government to base it on what women should and must be. Consequently, their decision is the issue, not their belief. I think everyone has the right to an education, but in the US, we don't discuss how certain ideologies blame the system for the millions or thousands of dropouts. Mostly because students who choose to drop out do so since they are able to do so at the age of 16.The decision taken holds responsibility. Responsibility is made up of those decisions. You have the right to make decisions, and with that right comes responsibility. Considering many women lack the bravery or the strength to defend them

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